
Parliament of Canada in Ottawa

Organizations call on federal government to immediately stop sending refugee claimants back to the United States

On July 22, 2020, the Federal Court ruled that sending refugee claimants back to the USA under the Safe Third Country Agreement violates their right to liberty and security protected by section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  The Court therefore determined that the Canadian legislation designating the US as a safe […]

Organizations call on federal government to immediately stop sending refugee claimants back to the United States Read More »

IDPAD logo featuring the continent of Africa in the center in yellow, with white and black rays around it

Joint statement on the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024)

Leaders of Canadian churches and faith-based organizations have issued a joint statement committing their communities to recognizing and honouring the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024). The International Decade is a call for churches, governments, and societies to do more to address anti-Black racism in Canada and globally. The main objectives of

Joint statement on the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024) Read More »

woman crossing border with child

Federal Court Confirms Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR), Amnesty International (AI) and The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) welcomed the July 22, 2020 Federal Court of Canada ruling that sending refugee claimants back to the US under the Safe Third Country Agreement violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. “We asked the Court to look at

Federal Court Confirms Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law Read More »

Apse of the Hagia Sophia cathedral, featuring a mosaic icon of the Theotokos and Christ.

Statement Concerning the Hagia Sophia

On July 10, 2020, Turkey’s Council of State annulled the Turkish Cabinet’s 1934 decision to establish Hagia Sophia as a museum. That same day Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an subsequently ordered the reclassification of Hagia Sophia as a mosque rather than a museum.   Hagia Sophia is part of the Historic Areas of Istanbul and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has noted her deep regret of the decision and

Statement Concerning the Hagia Sophia Read More »

Lawn sign that says "Now Hiring"

Ecumenical Job Opportunity – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Program Assistant

Are you passionate about ecumenical unity, prayer, faith-sharing and witness? Would you like to build your ecumenical leadership skills in a collaborative environment?   The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) has an opening for a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Program Assistant. The primary responsibilities are to make connections with existing and potential local, regional and national expressions of the

Ecumenical Job Opportunity – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Program Assistant Read More »

"A-Day" First atomic bomb explosion at Bikini in the Marshall Islands 1 July 1946.

Commission on Justice and Peace Sends Letter on Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to Minister of Foreign Affairs

July 9, 2020 To mark the 75th anniversary of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Commission on Justice and Peace of The Canadian Council of Churches wrote Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs to once again urge Canada to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). This anniversary

Commission on Justice and Peace Sends Letter on Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to Minister of Foreign Affairs Read More »

The Canadian Council of Churches Releases its 2019 Annual Report

July 8, 2020 On occasion of its 75th-Anniversary year, The Canadian Council of Churches has released its first-ever Annual Report. Communicating the work of its bodies across a range of important topics from January 2019 through January 2020, the report is fully bilingual and available in both digital and print formats. We invite you to

The Canadian Council of Churches Releases its 2019 Annual Report Read More »

hand praying against black backdrop

A Recommitment to Recognize and Combat Racism, Discrimination, and Unearned Privilege

Download this statement in English or French. A Recommitment to Recognize and Combat Racism, Discrimination, and Unearned Privilege: A Statement from the President and General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches   Finally, brothers and sisters, farewell. Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the

A Recommitment to Recognize and Combat Racism, Discrimination, and Unearned Privilege Read More »

laptop computer with picture of dove in stained glass on the monitor

Highlights from “Together in One Place” Online Ecumenical Prayer Service for Pentecost (May 30, 2020)

On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 3PM EST, The Canadian Council of Churches was honoured to host “Together in One Place” (Acts 2:1), an online ecumenical prayer service for Western Pentecost and Eastern Orthodox Ascension. Over 750 people registered for the event, which was held via Zoom, making it the biggest ecumenical event the Council

Highlights from “Together in One Place” Online Ecumenical Prayer Service for Pentecost (May 30, 2020) Read More »

laptop computer with picture of dove in stained glass on the monitor

May 30: “Together in One Place” (Acts 2:1) Online Ecumenical Prayer Service

For info and registration: Amid the unique challenges and opportunities of this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, the CCC is hosting an online ecumenical Pentecost prayer service that will allow us to “come together in one place” (Acts 2:1) in ecumenical friendship and prayer. The season of Pentecost has always held a special significance for the

May 30: “Together in One Place” (Acts 2:1) Online Ecumenical Prayer Service Read More »

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