Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Writing and Animation Team


About the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual global ecumenical celebration (traditionally held January 18 – 25 in the northern hemisphere). Christians around the world are invited to pray for the unity of all Christians, to reflect on scripture together, to participate in jointly organized ecumenical services, and to share fellowship.

As mandated by the Commission on Faith and Witness, the purpose of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Writing and Animation Team is:

  • To produce yearly resources, based on the international material created by the World Council of Churches, which reflect a specifically Canadian context. 
  • To encourage local, regional, and national communities across Canada to celebrate the WPCU, and
  • To promote the WPCU as a point of encouragement for dialogue, relationship, and witness to ecumenical work throughout the year. 

Along with stories and photos from Canadian celebrations of WPCU, each year’s helpful resources are housed on the dedicated Week of Prayer for Christian Unity website which is maintained in partnership among The Canadian Council of Churches, The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism and The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.

Current Program Priorities (2024-27)

Every year, Christians from a different host country choose the theme and prepare draft texts for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU).

The 2025 theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) chosen by the community of Bose, an ecumenical monastery of brothers and sisters in northern Italy is, “Do you believe this?”

Based on John 11:26, the international theme and materials call Christians to reflect on their common faith, and, while awaiting Christ’s return, to witness together to this faith in the resurrection, which is for them the source of hope and joy, to be shared with all peoples.

Every year, the World Council of Churches creates international resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and chooses a theme in collaboration with an ecumenical group in a different host country each year. 

Drawing on these resources, the Writing and Animation Team aims to make the international WPCU theme, worship service, and Bible study resources relevant and accessible to church communities in the Canadian context. They also produce original resources, such as instructions for how to plan a WPCU service, and resources for university ministries, and activities for children and youth. 

In producing Canadian resources each year for the WPCU, the Writing and Animation Team aims to create meaningful celebrations and services for local, regional, and national Canadian communities, which are relevant to their context and provide the basis for ecumenical work and dialogue across churches. 

Churches across Canada have found unique ways to express the WPCU in their communities, with the Canadian resources as their foundation. Many of them are highlighted on the Canadian Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Website: https://www.weekofprayer.ca/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity-in-canada/

The WPCU has always been an important point of formation and inspiration for ecumenical leaders, and as the need arises for more leaders – both lay and ordained – the WPCU provides an opportunity for students of theological schools to engage in an ecumenical context which encourages students to have conversations and learn from one another’s various Christian traditions, on a variety of topics, be it pastoral ministry, chaplaincy, worship, theology, or social justice work.

Recommended Resources

Image of candles used for WPCU 2025

Resources for 2025 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Download a full package of international and Canadian resources for 2025 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, including tips for organizing an ecumenical celebration, Eight Days of Prayer Bible Study, and resources for Campus Ministry.


Liturgies for Christian Unity: The First Hundred Years, 1908-2008

To commemorate the centenary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2008, the Commission on Faith and Witness of the CCC sponsored the preparation and publication of Liturgies for Christian Unity: The First Hundred Years, 1908-2008, with prayers and texts from WPCU over the past 100 years, and ideas for ecumenical liturgies and prayer gatherings of all forms and sizes. To find out more about this resource, send an email to wpcu-spuc@councilofchurches.ca!

Members of the WPCU Writing and Animation Team

  • Rev. Elly Boersma – Christian Reformed Church in North America
  • Rev. Andrea Budgey – Anglican Church of Canada
  • Rev. Roberta Howey – United Church of Canada, chair
  • Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • Very Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Ready – Orthodox Church in America
  • Rev. Ann Stainton – Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Dr. Denitsa Tsvetkova – Canadian Centre for Ecumenism representative
  • Rev. Tuula Van Gaasbeek – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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