Christian Jewish Dialogue

Canadian Christian-Jewish Consultation

This body has been in existence for about 25 years. It is a table at which meet representatives of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, and The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) and its member churches, which may send representatives.

Beginning in 1977, when it was established by the CJC, CCCB and CCC, the Consultation has met three or four times a year. Discussion has focused on such practical issues as refugees and immigration, famine relief in Africa, and proselytism on university campuses. In partnership with the Newman Centre at the University of Toronto, the CCJC has sponsored symposia inviting Jewish, Christian and Muslim reflection on such topics as: The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem; the Spiritual Significance of Suffering; The Meaning of Holiness and Virtue; What is the Heart of Faith.

Over the past few years, the Canadian Christian-Jewish Consultation (CCJC) has felt the impact of events in the Middle East and members have engaged in some serious conversations. The CCJC is currently reflecting on anti-Semitism, and is considering how Christian and Jewish communities in Canada can help each other understand various perspectives in the Middle East.

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