A guide for organizing public events where religious and spiritual leaders are being invited to participate officially on behalf of their religious or spiritual tradition
In Canadian public life, there are significant events that can call upon the services of our diverse religious and spiritual leaders. These may be occasions of public celebration – locally, nationally, or internationally – or occasions of public mourning.
There may be other occasions where the public is served by having their religious and spiritual leaders offering hospitality, inclusion and voice with a view to expressing sacred and significant experiences, which, among other aims, can provide a collective sense of healing and togetherness in moments of crisis.
The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) offers the following guidance for the occasion of such public events whereby religious and spiritual leaders are called forward for their participation.
Developed by the CCC Christian Interfaith Reference Group and adopted as a statement of the Council, this resource provides some suggestions for the planning and conducting of such public events whereby a variety of religious and spiritual leaders are invited to offer an official role. Acknowledging the religious diversity of our country and the importance and value of shared leadership, we wish to underscore that these reflections are coming forward from the Christian tradition and would need to be complemented by the perspectives of other religious and spiritual traditions.
>> For practical tips on planning an event of this nature, consult our Considerations for implementing these Guidelines.