Church Resources

Member Churches of CEARN and Their Resources

Anti-racism is not an end point, or a destination, it’s a journey and education is ongoing. Here are more resources from member churches of CEARN.

Anglican Church of Canada

A Charter for Racial Justice. A working document used as a basis for further education with the committees, councils, and boards of the General Synod.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Eliminate Racial and Religious Discrimination: See Every Person as My Sister or Brother. 2004 Pastoral Message by the Episcopal Commission for Social Affairs and the Episcopal Commission for Interfaith Dialogue.

Christian Reformed Church

Ministry of Race Relations This ministry is mandated by synod to design, organize, and implement programs that will assist the denomination, churches, and members in eliminating the causes and effects of racism.

Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre

Search the on-line catalogue at the Resource Centre to find videos and print material for use with congregations, including resources for children and youth. Search under “racism” for example.

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

Stories of inclusion and racial justice.

United Church of Canada

2005-2007 Mission Theme: Living in Right Relationship includes resources and policy statements for congregations, including youth and children. A key resource in this area is That All May Be One: A Resource for Educating toward Racial Justice. This 2004 handbook provides material for reflection, education and action to help individuals and congregations recognize, resist and eliminate racism. Find it at the Resource Distribution Centre. Also available is Ending Racial Harassment: Creating Healthy Congregations (2008), with helpful questions for reflection after each section.

Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada

2004 “Naming Racism: Speaking Truth to Power, ” Making Waves Volume 4:2 . A hands-on resource for congregations that provides: a historical look at Canadian churches’ history of racism; Bible studies and liturgical resources; systemic racism and change exercises; stories of how to be an ally and an outline of anti-racism policies of Canadian religious organizations. $6 plus handling charges. Also Making Waves Vol. 6:1 (2006) , “Still Waling: Aboriginal Women Lead the struggle against Violence,” and vol. 7:3 (2008), “Called to uncomfortable connections: Living with differences.” Order by E-mail.

World Council of Churches

Transformative Justice: Being Church and Overcoming Racism A study guide that explores the sin of racism and identifies signposts to building communities of transformative justice.

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