who we are
The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) is a broad and inclusive ecumenical body, now representing 26-member churches including Anglican; Eastern and Roman Catholic; Evangelical; Free Church; Eastern and Oriental Orthodox; and Historic Protestant traditions.
Together these member churches comprise 85% of the Christians in Canada (drawn from data provided by the Statistics Canada 2021 Survey). The Canadian Council of Churches was founded in 1944.
our mission
The Canadian Council of Churches responds to Christ’s call for unity and peace, seeks Christ’s truth with affection for diversity, and acts in love through prayer, dialogue, and witness to the gospel.

the story behind our logo
The Canadian Council of Churches logo graphically and dramatically calls to the gospel which is our common foundation, and our calling. We see a boat, tossed on the stormy sea of the world, but a very special boat – a refuge, straight and true amidst the waves, in which we all, together, find salvation (Genesis 7: 1-7). But even more, the boat’s mast is the Cross, a reminder of Christ our sure protector, stilling the storm on the Sea “lest we perish” (Matthew 8: 23-27). But as well, a mast supports the sail, and our sail, hung on the Cross, empowers our journey, directs us forward into the future yet to come. It is not by accident that when the people of the churches assemble, it is in a “boat” (“nave,” navis).
traditional territorial acknowledgment
Nearly each and every community in Canada is home to communities of the Christian faith who belong to a member denomination of The Canadian Council of Churches. Thus we wish to acknowledge that The Canadian Council of Churches and its members are on the historic territory of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples of this land.
"As Christian communities we take seriously the challenge of reconciliation, to deepen bonds of friendship and solidarity, to strive to "walk together" in the present and future, and to consult with you about how we can take that journey together."
(Expression of Reconciliation addressed to survivors and former students of Residential Schools, our First Nations, Inuit and Métis brothers and sisters and their descendants, wherever they may be. March 2014)