
Mar Thoma

General Secretary Peter Noteboom Delivers Keynote Address for the Canadian Mar Thoma Regional Committee

On March 7, 2020, General Secretary Peter Noteboom had the privilege of delivering the keynote address for the inauguration of the Canadian Mar Thoma Regional Committee. The address was entitled “A Mari usque ad Mare – From Sea to Sea” and reflects on the connections between Psalm 72, Canada’s motto (“From Sea to Sea”), and […]

General Secretary Peter Noteboom Delivers Keynote Address for the Canadian Mar Thoma Regional Committee Read More »

Corona virus cell COVID-19

A Call for Compassion and Community: A Statement from The Canadian Council of Churches on COVID-19

Today the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak (the new coronavirus) to be a global pandemic. In this situation as in others, The Canadian Council of Churches seeks to respond to Christ’s call for both compassion and community. We appeal to our member churches and other faith communities across Canada to respond to COVID-19

A Call for Compassion and Community: A Statement from The Canadian Council of Churches on COVID-19 Read More »

CCC Feb Newsletter header

February 2020 News from the Council

Find out what’s new around the CCC in the latest edition of our newsletter! To receive the newsletter in your inbox, sign up here! Préféreriez-vous recevoir notre bulletin en français? Nous serions heureux que vous nous en informiez en remplissant cette formule d’abonnement et en spécifiant « Français » comme langue préférée. Merci de nous aider dans notre

February 2020 News from the Council Read More »

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Recent Webinars by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning

The Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL), a reference group of The Canadian Council of Churches, has recently begun conducting regular webinars around topics that pertain to their work in intercultural ministry. The most recent webinar, “Strangers & Angels Unaware: Demographic Change, Church Decline, and Radical Hope,” was held on February 12, 2020. Rather

Recent Webinars by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning Read More »

Ottawa, ON: Ecumenical worship service, organized in partnership with the Christian Council of the Capital Area, was hosted on January 22 by Kanata United Church.

Canadian Churches Celebrate the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

As we answer the challenge to show ‘unusual kindness’ to one another, and especially to those most vulnerable and in need, may we be sustained by this year’s experiences of shared prayer, biblical reflection, and fellowship. Do you have a long-standing WPCU tradition in your community? Are you thinking of starting one? You might be

Canadian Churches Celebrate the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Read More »

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Unusual Kindness: A Week of Prayer Reflection from the General Secretary

  This year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity invites us to read and remember the story of Paul’s shipwreck on the Mediterranean island of Malta, and how he and his shipmates were greeted with unusual kindness. At the beginning of this new year, 2020, we are seeing ample opportunities to show unusual kindness: To

Unusual Kindness: A Week of Prayer Reflection from the General Secretary Read More »

plain wooden cross in spotlight

Statement from General Secretary Peter Noteboom Concerning Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

To the families and friends of those who perished on flight PS 752, the Iranian community in Canada, the Ukrainian community in Canada, and all Canadians affected by this tragedy: For the loss of innocent lives: we grieve with those grieving their deaths and we grieve this crash with its needless loss of life. For

Statement from General Secretary Peter Noteboom Concerning Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 Read More »

a child and his mom voting for french presidential elections

The CCC Encourages Chief Electoral Officer to Remember Religious Holidays When Scheduling Elections

On December 6, 2019, Peter Noteboom, General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches, sent a letter to the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, Mr. Stéphane Perrault, to express the Council’s support for consulting with religious communities to ensure fixed election dates do not conflict with major religious holidays. The letter was a response to

The CCC Encourages Chief Electoral Officer to Remember Religious Holidays When Scheduling Elections Read More »

What is the place of Christianity in Canada today? Image cover

Highlights from the Cross-Canada Conversation

In honour of the 75th Anniversary of The Canadian Council of Churches, last month we invited individuals and groups across the country to join in a livestream conversation about the place of Christianity in Canada today. Speakers included: Pastor JoAnne Lam (ELCIC), Pastor Mary Fontaine (PCC), Pastor Ken Shigematsu (Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in

Highlights from the Cross-Canada Conversation Read More »

woman crossing border with child

Court to Hear Why Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law

From November 4th to 8th the Federal Court of Canada will hear a challenge to the designation of the U.S. as a safe third country for refugees. The court will hear that sending refugee claimants back to the US violates Canadian law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Canada’s binding international human rights obligations.   Through the court case, the organizations are arguing that sending refugee claimants back to the US

Court to Hear Why Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law Read More »

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