To the families and friends of those who perished on flight PS 752, the Iranian community in Canada, the Ukrainian community in Canada, and all Canadians affected by this tragedy:
For the loss of innocent lives: we grieve with those grieving their deaths and we grieve this crash with its needless loss of life.
For the loss of mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews: we walk with you through the horrible, sudden emptiness of deep grief.
For the loss of friends, colleagues and community members: Canada is the poorer for their tragic and untimely deaths.
May you experience the love and care of your communities now and in the months and years to come.
May the peace that passes all understanding flow into and from our hearts.
May the Divine Spirit heal the broken-hearted and bind up our wounds (Psalm 147:3).
Peter Noteboom
General Secretary,
The Canadian Council of Churches