justice and peace

Poster with a picture of Donald Findlater

Upcoming SEWG Webinar! Tackling the Demand: Rethinking Deterrence and Protection Measures

Join us on July 22 at 1PM EDT! One of the priories of the Commission on Justice and Peace Sexual Exploitation Working Group is to educate, advocate and theologically reflect on the area of Sexual Exploitation and Demand Reduction. True justice requires reducing the demand. The demand for paid sexual services is what fuels sex […]

Upcoming SEWG Webinar! Tackling the Demand: Rethinking Deterrence and Protection Measures Read More »

Lawn sign that says "Now Hiring"

Support peace and justice work in Canada and beyond! Position Vacancy: Associate Secretary, Justice and Peace

The Commission on Justice and Peace (CJP) is a body of The Canadian Council of Churches that offers a forum for those involved in ecumenical work to:   share information and concerns about peace and justice issues;   reflect biblically and theologically on these issues;   facilitate cooperation between churches around peace and justice concerns; and  assist the

Support peace and justice work in Canada and beyond! Position Vacancy: Associate Secretary, Justice and Peace Read More »

Person's hands grabbing hold of a metal fence

Leading human rights groups challenge Safe Third Country Agreement at Supreme Court of Canada

Three leading Canadian human rights organizations, the Canadian Council for Refugees, Amnesty International Canada, and The Canadian Council of Churches, together with eight individual applicants, will appear before the Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday, October 6 to call for an end to a policy that cruelly bars many people from seeking refugee protection in

Leading human rights groups challenge Safe Third Country Agreement at Supreme Court of Canada Read More »

autonomous armoured vehicle

“Preserving Our Shared Humanity”: A Statement on Autonomous Weapons by the Commission on Justice and Peace

In a recent letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Council’s Commission on Justice and Peace called on the Government of Canada to support international efforts to ban fully autonomous weapons systems.    According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), autonomous weapons can be understood as those “that can independently select and

“Preserving Our Shared Humanity”: A Statement on Autonomous Weapons by the Commission on Justice and Peace Read More »

Supreme Court Decision to hear Safe Third Country Agreement appeal is a Promising Step for Refugee Rights

The Canadian Council of Churches, Amnesty International, and The Canadian Council for Refugees are welcoming the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to review the constitutionality of the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA). This decision follows a long history of legal challenges to the Agreement, including two recent court rulings. In July 2020, the Federal Court

Supreme Court Decision to hear Safe Third Country Agreement appeal is a Promising Step for Refugee Rights Read More »

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