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Faith and Life Sciences Reference Group signs the Rome Call for AI Ethics

In 2020, an international group of governments, businesses, and churches began signing the Rome Call for AI Ethics, which outlines six principles for the ethical development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI): transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality, reliability, and privacy.

Spurred by the astonishing growth of language learning models and other AI tools, in 2023 our Faith and Life Sciences Reference Groupbegan reflecting on AI from a faith perspective, and after careful deliberation all of our members agreed that we could sign the Rome Call. In 2024 we submitted an application and were accepted as a signatory, making us one of the first Canadian organizations to sign the call!

In signing the Call we made a number of commitments, including to engage with member churches and the public around the ethics of AI. In the past two years we have hosted two webinars on AI. The first began a conversation on the relationship between human and artificial intelligence and how intelligence reflects the image of God. The second picked up and expanded this conversation by adding more international and ecumenical voices.

To find out more about the Rome Call, and our commitments as a signatory, take a look at this webpage.

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