Stain-glass window from Notre Dame Cathedral

Letter to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops after the tragic burning of Notre Dame Cathedral

The fire that recently engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral, only several days before Easter, gave Christians around the world cause for sadness during what is ordinarily a celebratory period of the Christian year. Shortly after receiving news of the blaze, CCC President Stephen Kendall wrote a letter to the leaders of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops expressing condolence and solidarity with Eastern and Roman Catholic Christians. He wrote: “There is no question that Notre Dame will rise from the ashes to once again be a magnificent place of worship. For this we can be grateful, even as the tremendous loss is felt.”

In his letter, Kendall also recalled the many Christians in time and space who have grieved other churches lost to fire. The tragic burning of Notre Dame gives us an opportunity to bear witness to their sorrow and pray “also for those who have lost loved ones and beloved places of worship in devastating fires around the world.”

The CCC continues to remember this important event, both as a source of loss and hope.

Read the full letter: English / French.

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