Webinar: April 29, 2020 | 4PM EDT
Do you encounter intergenerational gaps in your ethnic immigrant church or other ministries? Register for this free webinar organized by Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning to better understand this phenomenon and how to respond to it!
Full description: Intergenerational gaps are as common in families as in churches, with far-reaching implications for the health of congregations. Yet open and candid discussions about intergenerational gaps within churches, particularly ethnic congregations, are rare and difficult. In this session Dr. Ben C. H. Kuo, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Windsor, will address ways to: a) better understand common intergeneration gaps that occur among, immigrants, children, youth, parents, and families; b) identify how similar intergenerational issues can be observed and reproduced in church and congregational life; and c) respond and manage intergenerational conflicts/gaps in ethnic churches through communication, relationship building, and increased cultural empathy.
More details and registration info here.