Week of Prayer 2015 resource kits now available

Resource kits for next year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity—including worship, preaching, and devotional materials—are now available online at WeekofPrayer.ca (et en français à SemainedePriere.ca) and in print.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an eight day celebration of Christian unity held each year between the feast of the confession of St. Peter (Jan 18), and the feast of the confession of St. Peter (Jan 25).

The WPCU 2015 kit includes:

  • An introductory letter from the Canadian WCPU 2015 writing team
  • An introduction to the theme, “Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink.’” (John 4:7)
  • An eight day daily devotional guide
  • A suggested outline for an ecumenical worship service centred on the 2015 theme.
  • Hymn suggestions to incorporate into your regular services during the January 18-25 octave.
  • A specially designed poster, bulletin cover, and bookmark to help get your community involved.

Download the entire WPCU 2015 kit (zip file).  En Français.

Order WPCU 2015 hardcopy kits for your congregation or church organisation.

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