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To all Canadians,
It is with great shock and sadness that I have learned of the heinous deadly attack on le Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec. While the details of the attack and the motivations of the attackers have yet to fully emerge, we recognize that the Muslim community within Quebec City has been the target of hateful, Islamophobic acts within the recent past.
To our Muslim sisters and brothers in Quebec City, in the province of Quebec, and across Canada, our member churches are with you. We grieve with you. We stand with you.
We recommit ourselves to opposing the hate and prejudice that disfigures our communities and leads to violence both at home and abroad.
Similarly, we recommit ourselves to protecting and advancing the fundamental freedom of conscience and religion for all Canadians: to worship in peace and safety and to live out the demands of our conscience and religion together in community.
May God comfort those who mourn today, and lead us into justice and peace.
Canon Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan
The Canadian Council of Churches
30 January, 2017